Clarifications/comments on my article on Cuban beekeeping from Profesora Ailyn Leal Ramos, University of Pinar del Rio. Original article in quotes. Profesora Leal’s comments in red followed by English translation:
Gracias por los comentarios. En general estas son interesantes. Desgraciademente, el artculo esta en los manos del editor de la revista y va a aparecer muy pronto. Asi es que es imposible de incluir la mayoria de los estos que me mando en tal articulo.
I am happy to receive your comments, nevertheless, and they are not lost. I am putting them up on my web site as a clarification on the original article:
“Apicuba, in turn, distributes the raw product to the only two plants that filter and homogenize the honey. At the end of the long bee-producer-industry-client chain, the exporting company Cubaexport markets the product overseas. Cubaexport monopolizes 98.5 percent of the export sales, a volume that brings into the nation’s economy about 16 million euros, according to Yoandra Valle Vargas, director of Apicuba.” The article concludes: “Honey is a luxury item for most Cubans with a 340 gram bottle costing 1.60 CUC (1.80 USD), two days’ pay for the average person.”
Esos datos están desactualizados, hace cerca de 3 años que no es esa la directora de APICUBA y la miel sí se comercializa en pequeño formato a través de esas tiendas en CUC pero además se vende en ferias en moneda nacional a menor precio, y a través de LABIOFAM y se emplea en medicamentos que se expenden en las farmacias.
These data are outdated, about 3 years ago that is not the director of APICUBA and honey is sold in small format through these stores in CUC but also sold in fairs in national currency at a lower price, and through LABIOFAM and is used in medicines that are sold in pharmacies.
“In summary, Cuban Apiculture is a state-run enterprise, processing the vast majority of the honey crop produced by independent producers associated into cooperatives, via a government-owned enterprise (Apicuba) that sells it to the export market. A good deal of the product is certified organic, bringing a premium price.”
Coincido con lo que expresa anteriormente, solo que APICUBA no sólo procesa la miel, esta Empresa tiene otras funciones, por ejemplo: la función de la capacitación a los productores, la asistencia técnica y metodológica para el funcionamiento orgánico de la apicultura en todo el país, hay dependencias en todas las provincias.
I agree with what is stated above, just that APICUBA not only processes honey, this company has other functions, for example: the function of training producers, technical and methodological assistance for the organic operation of beekeeping throughout the country , there are dependencies in all the provinces.
“The incidence of brood diseases is extremely low in the country and not considered a significant issue due to a country-wide genetic selection for hygienic behavior, which is also thought to provide protection for Varroa mites.”
En efecto, se presta vital atención a la selección y el mejoramiento genético de la abeja cubana, en busca de poblaciones en las que predominen la expresión de mecanismos que propician la tolerancia al parásito (Varroa destructor), a partir de los hábitos higiénicos y el acicalamiento, no obstante, todas las acciones encaminadas al control de las enfermedades apícolas se encuentran recogidas en el Programa de Lucha Integrada de las enfermedades apícolas de Cuba, estas van desde el control de las poblaciones de abejas establecidas por el Reordenamiento apícola, asegurar las Buenas Prácticas de producción, los controles epizootiológicos que impidan la propagación de los agentes etiológicos, la aplicación de medidas biotécnicas que permitan disminuir las tasas de infestación parasitarias como es el empleo del panal trampa de zángano, cobertura para la producción de abejas reinas de calidad genética certificada, actividades de capacitación y extensionismo.
In fact, attention is paid to the selection and genetic improvement of the Cuban bee, in search of populations in which the expression of mechanisms that favor tolerance to the parasite (Varroa destructor) predominates, based on hygienic habits and grooming, however, all actions aimed at the control of bee diseases are included in the Integrated Fighting Program of bee diseases in Cuba, these range from the control of bee populations established by the Beekeeping Reorganization, ensure the Good Production practices, epizootiological controls that prevent the propagation of etiological agents, the application of biotechnical measures to reduce the rates of parasitic infestation such as the use of honeycomb drone trap, coverage for the production of queen bees of certified genetic quality , training and extension activities.
“Annual re-queening is mandated for each colony due to the fact that some 12 honey plants in the country produce an almost continuous nectar flow. Queens in essence are “worn out” due to extended egg laying for twelve-month periods. Combs are renovated after fifteen brood cycles, sent to Apicuba for wax rendering, and returned along with replacement foundation to the beekeeper. “
Es real, existe un desgaste fisiológico de la reina por el nivel de postura diario.
La cera que obtienen los productores primarios (apicultores) por un proceso tecnológico establecido, luego de la castra para la obtención de miel , la venden a APICUBA y posteriormente le compran a esta las láminas de cera que introducen en las colmenas para convertirse en panales de miel.
It is real, there is a physiological wear of the queen by the level of daily posture. The wax obtained by the primary producers (beekeepers) by an established technological process, after castrating to obtain honey, is sold to APICUBA and then they buy the wax sheets that they introduce into the hives to become honeycombs. honey.
“We often arrived at apiaries, however, after the “castration,” opening and examining colonies that were not in peak condition. The Havana Times piece contains one bit of evidence suggesting something different: “Reinaldo Santana, a beekeeper who has lived for decades on the slopes of the Escambray mountain range…uses country expressions to describe the bees’ anger: ‘Sometimes they mob you and set you a blaze. This is a job for brave roosters.’ ”
Generalmente la “abeja cubana” se caracteriza por su docilidad, no sé en qué contexto manifestó eso ese apicultor, pienso que cuando se les cuestiona el hecho de trabajar con una especie animal tan pequeña, ellos deban alegar que no por eso es un trabajo sencillo, hay que aguantar que te piquen, es una tarea para bravos.., pero no creo que sea por decir que sean agresivas. Hay varios factores que hacen que estas se pongan más furiosas: el clima, los movimientos bruscos a su alrededor, algunos olores, etc…
Generally the “Cuban bee” is characterized by its docility, I do not know in what context said that beekeeper, I think that when they are questioned the fact of working with such a small animal species, they should argue that this is not a simple job , you have to put up with being bitten, it’s a job for bravos … but I do not think it’s for saying they’re aggressive. There are several factors that make them more furious: the weather, sudden movements around them, some smells, etc …
Acá le cito documentos que regulan la apicultura en Cuba:
Resolución 547: 2014 . Veterinaria
Manual de Salud apícola Tomo I: Resolución ministerial
Manual de Buenas Prácticas de Producción. Resolución ministerial
Manual de Buenas Prácticas de Manufactura. Resolución ministerial
Estos 3 manuales yo los utilizo como bibliografía de consulta para mis estudiantes, le envío fotos que tomé por si le son de alguna utilidad.
Espero que le sirva de algo mis modestos comentarios
Un abrazo
Ailyn Leal Ramos