The following applications are now available for beekeepers. The majority use a smart phone coupled with GPS technology .
Apiary Book allows recording on mobile phone of information on the number, health and maintenance of each bees family, treatments carried out, and other operations in the field of beekeeping. Using a friendly interface, a beekeeper can define several apiaries (hearths), can add work to be performed, harvests (honey, wax), colonies movements, veterinary controls and others! App
Hive Tracks is perhaps the most advertised program. It is a cloud-based software and data analytics products focused on honey bee health, beekeeping optimization, and the honey bee’s direct connection to global food production. Through this focus, we impact not only the sustainability of the honey bee, but the sustainability of our planet as a whole. App
Hive Keepers records apiaries with google maps integration. Record apiaries with google maps integration. Inspect at four levels, apiary, hive, super, frame. App
Bee Plus stores apiary and hive information in one place. Easily log detailed inspection data & honey production on the move. Sync data and photos between iOS devices for backup or sharing between you and your beekeeping buddies. This is a Facebook application it seems, which might be out of date. Last post December 2017.
Bee Tight replace the paper or spreadsheet-based records that most beekeepers seem to use, so its first job is to handle records of inspections. I spent some time looking at examples of record sheets and tried to take the best of them. To that end, it records laying pattern and temperament on a six-point scale. You can also say whether you have seen the queen, or eggs. There is space to record any queen cells spotted, or whether there are excessive drone cells. You can record varroa drop counts, as well as any treatments that you may have given. You can keep track of when and how much you have fed them and lots of other stuff. App
Find Hive is a GPS Beehive tracking device for locating and recovering your hives. App
This is an area that is developing rapidly. It is extremely difficult to keep up with these Apps. One effort can be seen here.