The August 22, 2015 edition of the Apis Newsletter has been published. An excerpt below discusses curation and podcasting as so-called “digital assets.”
What is more and more apparent about honey bee research is that a wider range of study is being conducted by researchers in academic organizations using honey bees as the experimental organism. This is leading to a plethora of postings across the Internet from many sources, often duplicated, that is not necessarily organized in any kind of logical way. I am working on something that I believe will help beekeepers find information in a more organized manner. In “Internet speak” this is called “curation.” This is found at the latest rendition of the Apis Information Resource Center . I emphasize on the home page that this is “experimental” on my part at the moment, and not really ready to go “prime time,” thus my reaching out to the Apis Newsletter readership for its collective reflection. Note that the newsletter also contains RSS feeds from the site listing recent posts. This may be a bit much, but am publishing these again as part of my experiment.
Another interesting area is developing what are being called “digital assets.” One is the world of “podcasting.” There is an increasing number of podcasts related to beekeeping beginning to pop up across the Internet. The Ohio State Beekeepers Association has produced some for its members. My favorite so far is the new zealand site Kiwimana. One of its featured podcasts is an interview with Randy Oliver of Scientific Beekeeping in December of 2014. It lasts over an hour, but is really worth spending the time to take in this program . You can download it and/or listen to it on the site. It also comes with a full text transcription Here’s what’s in store for anyone listening to this podcast as found in the “show notes”:
What does Randy enjoy about beekeeping?
The Internet doesn’t have any editors.
Don’t give up on a new treatment that you have only use once. Check that you are using it correctly for your conditions.
What are Randy’s Top three ways to control varroa mites?
Stay away from the CheckMite treatment, it’s nasty stuff.
Does America have a true Varroa resistant bee yet?
How Randy keeps his combs fresh.
Randy’s thoughts on what causes ‘CCD’.
Randy’s thoughts about neonicotinoid pesticides
According to Randy, why is the Anti-GMO movement misguided.
Randy’s plans for next season.